MOOKA MODERN FURNITURE-Sofa MODERN FURNITURE-SofaCopyright 2012 LanceGoen2025/2/23 1:25:262025/2/23 1:25:262012/9/3 21:47:29Pop Seater Missoni Fabrics sofa<img src="/Upload/_201293214546277.jpg" /><div id="idTab1"> <p align="left" lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"> Pop is the first &ldquo;infinitely repeatable&quot; modular sofa. Easy to take apart and manufactured industrially, Pop is composed of identical transparent polycarbonate single-seat modules which can be placed side by side to create the sofa&#39;s solid frame: backrest, seat (also made of plastic slats) and armrests. Pop shatters preconceived ideas of the rigidity of plastic, offering itself as a comfortable and indestructible industrial upholstered sofa that stands up to shocks and heavy use. The large and soft goose feather cushions are available in a number of fabrics. For those who like prints but still want that touch of modern liveliness in the home, the Pop modular sofa has now expanded its offerings with a new series of Missoni fabrics with the addition of two Erbario variants to the two multicolored Vevey flowered prints and to the black and white Cartagena prints.</p> </div> 16:38:02Swan sofa<img src="/Upload/_201293165837387.jpg" />Influenced and inspired by the acclaimed designer Arne Jacobson our stunning modern reproduction of the Swan sofa is finished to the very highest standards in beautiful soft cashmere. <span>&nbsp;</span>The sofa is constructed using a rigid foam shell and sits on an <span class="style98">aluminium base.<br /> <span class="style98">Arne Jacobsen designed the Swan Chair &amp; Sofa in 1958 for the lobby and reception areas at the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen. Jacobsen distinguished the Swan Chair by his omission of any straight lines in its design-only curves. The Swan Sofa provides further evidence of the movement in design to adapt more organic forms into our living spaces.</span><br /> <span class="style98">Arne Jacobsen&#39;s endearing designs of the &#39;Swan Chair&#39;, &#39;Swan Sofa&#39; and the complimenting &#39;Egg Chair&#39; remain quite possibly the 20th century&#39;s most easily recognisable and famous furniture designs. With their pure sculptured form, easy comfort and faultless good looks, these chairs will continue to be popular as generations pass!</span></span> 15:06:54Isobel Sofa <img src="/Upload/_2012931415627.jpg" /><p> Isobel sofa design Van Der Kley - Artifort 2003 -&nbsp; is a two-faced sofa. The embracing arm supports within the armrests compose a comfortable couch. The arm supports out of the armrests give the sofa an open, transparent look; adding a function to its comfort.Nosag springs combined with PUR foam and a Dacron layer guarantee relaxed seating and longevity.The Isobel can be used as contract seating as well as residential and is available in almost all Artifort fabrics and leathers.</p>